BigWhales Infomation

BIGWHALES Marine & Offshore is a global new building project management and supervision company, as well as qualified and verified manpower sourcing. We manages entire life cycle of marine and oil & gas project , renewable energy and electricity. We ensures highest level of safety and quality services through ISO 9001:2015 assurance system certified by ABS and we are registered with Korea Engineering Association as a new building company.


BIGWHALES have our knowledge of GHG-reducing design and technology to supervising new shipbuildings, We provide supervision services for oil & gas and renewable energy projects based on our know-how in various offshore projects. We also provide experienced and skilled engineer and supervisor manpower supply in accordance with the client's requirements and terms and conditions.


New Shipbuilding
Project Management

Oil and Gas Project

Renewable Energy

ManPower Resourcing


At least one fifth of the world’s largest public companies have committed to meeting net zero emissions. These commitments are

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BigWhales, We Share

We share the latest updates and technologies about marine and oil & gas industries.